The First /Real/ Post

July 27, 2011 § 1 Comment

As soon as I said “real” I wanted to go into some existential. But honestly, I’m too tired for that.

Anyway! My name is Lauren, this is the blog that I hopefully will maintain. Anyone that knows me can tell you that I am horrible at upkeeping blogs. I use them once or twice then forget about them. However, I am going to try to keep this one up.Β 

You can learn about me on my about page, which I think is enough to start. I’ll also feature a little art – a few on my “art” page, and I’ll put up a post for whenever I update my website. (Please go visit! NOW!)

Um… I’m not sure what to say right now. Like I said, I’m kinda tired. I worked a double shift today at Bravo!, and Wednesday nights are rather busy. So, yeah, I’m kinda tired.

More of “anyway”! This blog will be used to comment on my everyday, average life, as well as to let people know when I’ve updated my website with something new and awesome.

I’m currently digging The Mentalist, so.. I’m going to go watch an episode of that. Peace out!


PS. Btw! The reason I chose “Two Doses and A Shot” for a blog title is because it is the title of one of my photos that I took spring semester. It sort of just came to me and has nothing to do with the photo or my personal drinking/medication habits. πŸ˜›


§ One Response to The First /Real/ Post

  • Welcome to the blogosphere! Your resident troll will be provided shortly, but to get you through the interim period, I’ll be filling in as a substitute. Please feel free to reward your resident British nutter with crumpet, scones and/or tea πŸ™‚

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